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New Website for Croesus Projects Ltd

Chris Anderson March 2013


From the 6th March 2013, Croesus Projects Ltd. has a website.

This site will serve as an environmental resource to the worldwide community and will be regularly updated with news and discussion pertaining to the environmental areas in which Croesus is active.

Working with the Chinese in Guiyang.

Chris Anderson April 2013


Chris Anderson to travel to Guiyang, China to advance environmental work in Guizhou Province.

During the Easter weekend, Chris Anderson is travelling to Guiyang, China, to spend a week with the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry at the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  Chris will be working with Croesus’ Chinese colleagues on the areas of heavy-metal environmental impact and risk assessment, and mercury and gold phytoextraction.  Guizhou Province is home to a number of mercury contaminated sites, due to a long history of mercury and other metal mining in this part of China.

"The Dangers of Cadmium"

Apr 11, 2013

New Zealand's TV3 Campbell Live show featured a news item about the increasing levels of the heavy metal, cadmium, found in NZ soil - what does this mean for the food chain?

As a leading NZ soil scientist, Chris Anderson was interviewed and appeared in this news story. See the full report here.

"There's Gold in Them Thar Plants" 

Apr 13, 2013

YahooNews! recently featured a article discussing gold phytomining.  


"Money doesn't grow on trees - but gold might. an international team of scientists has found a way to grow and harvest gold from crop plants..."

One of these scientists, world-recognised phytomining expert Chris Anderson explains the various facets of gold phytomining in this article.  Read the full article here.

"Mining in Indonesia taking heavy social, environmental toll"

by Birchard Kellogg 

June 3, 2013

​Across Indonesia and elsewhere in the third world, small-scale mining has spiked in the last decade, rising in tandem with the price of gold... Read more here.


New Publication

June 2013

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 

Recently published journal article written by C.W.N. Anderson & colleagues - In Vivo Effect of Copper and Silver on the Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Inside Living Plants.  The article discusses the biochemistry behind phytomining. Read more here.

Phytocat Project Consortium release first newsletter

Aug 2013


The Phytocat project is funded by G8 Research Councils Initiative on Multilateral Research Funding: Materials Efficiency. Phytocat started on 1st October 2012 and runs for 3 years. It is a collaborative project between the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence and Centre for Novel Agricultural Products (CNAP) both at the University of York, UK, Centre for Environmental Research in Minerals, Metals and Materials, University of British Columbia, Canada and Yale University, USA.  Read newsletter here.

Mercury Poisoning: Kiwi-Indo-China cooperation offers hope...
Aug 2013

David Taylor - NZ's ambassador to Jakarta discusses this hot issue in his latest blog after reading an article in the Tempo Magazine of Indonesia.  The blog talks about the mercury contamination in rivers due to illegal mining activities and the ruinous effects on the environment.  However there is good news with ground-breaking work being undertaken by Dr Chris Anderson.  Working with colleagues from Brawijaya and Mataram Universities and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has been developing the science of phytomining to get rid of toxic waste chemicals.  Read the blog here.

In Memoriam...

Chris Anderson March 2015


Croesus acknowledges the tragic passing of Prof. John Meech on the 10th Feb 2015.  John was a staunch advocate of phytomining and phytoremediation, and coined the term ‘phytoreclamation’ in the early 2000’s as a technology that promoted the benefits of hyperaccumulator plants to mine site restoration.


Between Oct 4-9 2015, a symposium on Sustainable Mining and Processing, the Meech International Symposium, will be held in the Mediterranean resort of Antalya in Turkey. Croesus is playing a key role in organising this symposium. Please contact Croesus if you would like more details on this event, or would like to discuss attendance.  You will also read more information here about Prof. John Meech's career and the focus of the symposium

Phytocat consortium publishes review...


The Phytocat team, led by Dr. Andrew Hunt at the University of York, has jointly authored a review paper entitled Phytoextraction as a tool for green chemistry (Chris Anderson as second author).  This paper has been published online in the journal Green Processing and Synthesis.  This is an Open Access journal.  The full paper can be accessed free of charge from the link in the publications section of our website.

Sustainable development of the Indonesian ASGM sector...

The New Year brings new opportunities.  Throughout the second half of 2013, Croesus worked closely with our partners in Indonesia and the University of British Columbia to create a platform for development opportunities in the Indonesian artisanal mining sector.  The result has been the creation, in principle, of the Indonesian Centre for Artisanal Miners or INCAM.  This centre is to be modelled on the UBC led International Centre for Artisanal Miners (ITCAM) in Portovelo Ecuador


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